Channel Payments Manager


CPM for Stripe 1.9.2024071823.145933

July 19, 2024

CPM for Stripe 1.9.2024071823.145933 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • In a scenario where the initial payment capture attempt against a payment request failed and then a subsequent attempt succeeded, it was possible for CPM to retrieve the transaction into Business Central but not apply it to the proper entry in the customer ledger. This has been corrected.
  • In scenarios involving the CSM-CPM Connector, it is possible for CSM to retrieve an eCommerce order into Business Central, including the related CPM payment for that order, prior to CPM retrieving the related payment request. In such an instance, the payment request would not be properly linked to the appropriate sales order. This has been corrected.

CPM Core 1.10.2024071823.145932

July 19, 2024

CPM for Stripe 1.10.2024071823.145932 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • A new Dimension Set Fee Behavior field has been added to the CPM payment platform. This field allows you to instruct CPM how dimensions will be assigned to entries that are posted to the payment platform’s assigned fee G/L account. CPM can be instructed to either use any default dimensions that have been defined for the G/L account or inherit dimensions from the related Business Central transaction.

CPM for Stripe 1.9.2024063023.143272

July 3, 2024

CPM for Stripe 1.9.2024063023.143272 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • It is now possible to generate payment requests from open sales orders. The same features and functionality that were previously available from posted sales and services invoices are present for sales orders, including:
    • The ability to create quick or custom payment requests
    • Payment portal URL retrieval from Stripe into Business Central

CPM Core 1.10.2024062923.143181

July 3, 2024

CPM Core 1.10.2024062923.143181 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Channel Foundations 

The following Channel Payments Manager Core changes will support forthcoming features and functionality for channel-specific integrations:

  • To support an upcoming Stripe integration, the ability to generate payment requests that was previously available on posted sales and services invoices has been added to open sales orders.

CPM Core 1.9.2024061823.141229

June 18, 2024

CPM Core 1.9.2024061823.141229 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • Failed payment amounts were being included as part of a sales order’s calculated CPM payment total. This has been corrected.

CPM Core 1.9.2024061223.140441

June 13, 2024

CPM Core 1.9.2024061223.140441 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • During an upgrade to a new version of CPM Core, the upgrade codeunit would attempt to apply any unapplied CPM transactions to related entries in Business Central; a failure in this application would roll back the entire upgrade. This has been corrected by removing the application function from the upgrade process.
  • Retrieved payment reversals were being incorrectly entered with the wrong sign. This has been corrected.
  • When CPM was able to post but not apply a retrieved transaction from an external platform, the transaction was not marked as posted, resulting in CPM then posting it again the next time the automation was executed. This has been corrected so that posting and application are performed as separate functions.

CPM for Usio 1.1.2024051924.136718

May 24, 2024

CPM for Usio 1.1.2024051924.136718 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • It is now possible to accept customer payments from ACH direct debit accounts.
  • It is now possible to initiate a refund for a captured payment from a sales order within Business Central.
  • Functionality has been added to retrieve payout and return batches from Usio and post these activities in Business Central.

CPM Core 1.9.2024051823.136710

May 24, 2024

CPM Core 1.9.2024051823.136710 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • A new Payment Application field has been added to the CPM Transaction table. This indicates whether a related customer ledger payment entry has or has not been applied to other ledger entries.
Channel Foundations

The following Channel Payments Manager Core changes will support forthcoming features and functionality for platform-specific integrations:

  • To support an upcoming Usio integration, changes have been made to CPM Core’s refund functionality.
  • A new design pattern for the loading of default and demo data has been implemented for CPM Core.

CPM for Stripe 1.8.2024040424.129162

April 6, 2024

CPM for Stripe 1.8.2024040424.129162 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • A new encryption function was added to CPM for Stripe to accommodate Microsoft deprecations.

CPM Core 1.8.2024032824.127629

March 31, 2024

CPM Core 1.8.2024032824.127629 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • A number of new integration events have been added to support different refund scenarios.

CPM Core 1.8.2024030824.124486

March 8, 2024

CPM Core 1.8.2024030824.124486 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • A new Dimensions override feature has been added to CPM Core that allows users to define Dimension overrides for CPM payment platforms. When CPM activity is posted, these overrides will be included with the Dimensions that are created for the related ledger entries.
  • A new OnCreateNewRefundRequestOnBeforeInsertRequest integration event has been added to the SENP Refund Request table.
  • CPM Core was unable to properly post transactions if the related G/L accounts had assigned Dimensions with a value posting of Code Mandatory. This has been corrected.
  • CPM Core has been compiled against Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Wave 1 (version 24) for compatibility issues. Deprecations made by Microsoft to the way charts are handled in Business Central made the transaction chart on the CPM Administrator Role Center incompatible with the latest version of the application. Due to lack of use/feedback regarding this chart, it has been removed from the CPM Administrator Role Center.
  • Objects have been introduced to support the inclusion of automated tests for CPM Core routines, and a number of automated tests pertaining to the linking of posting activities and Dimension override processes have been added to CPM Core.

CPM Core 1.7.2024012523.117179

January 31, 2024

CPM Core 1.7.2024012523.117179 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • The endpoint URL used to retrieve updated platform API information was incorrect. This has been corrected.

CPM for Stripe 1.8.2023101223.101994

December 18, 2023

CPM for Stripe 1.8.2023101223.101994 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • A new Payment Request Send Invoice option has been added to the CPM Payment Platform This can be used to instruct a connected Stripe platform to automatically send an invoice to customers when a payment request is received from CPM. While it was previously possible to manually set this behavior with custom requests, it could not be controlled with quick payment requests.
  • Stripe-specific accommodations have been made to support new address fields that have been added to the CSM Customer Link Card
  • CPM for Stripe can now support posted service invoices. The same functionality that has been available for posted sales invoices can be executed from posted service invoices, including:
    • Payment capture (credit card and ACH)
    • Quick and custom payment requests
    • Automatic generation of payment requests based on customer settings
    • A service invoice report that includes an embedded link to a related payment request

CPM Core 1.7.2023121823.112009

December 18, 2023

CPM Core 1.7.2023121823.112009 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • A number of improvements have been made to CSM customer management:
    • The Payment Platform Id field in the Payment Platform Links FactBox that appears on the customer card is now a clickable link that will open the related CSM customer record.
    • New address fields have been added to the General FastTab on the CSM Customer Link Card In addition, a new Retrieve from Platform action has been added; executing this action will instruct CPM to retrieve customer information from a connected payment platform and store it in these newly-added address fields.
    • A new Customer and Contact Information FastTab has been added to the CSM Customer Link Card This FastTab contains basic identifying data (such as name, e-mail, and address information) from the linked Business Central customer and contact records. Each one of these fields has an AssistButton that, when clicked, will copy the value from that field to the corresponding field on the General FastTab.
    • New Copy Address actions for customers and contact have been added to the CSM Customer Link Card page. When executed, these actions will copy all customer/contact information values from the Customer and Contact Information FastTab to the corresponding fields on the General FastTab.
Channel Foundations 

The following Channel Payments Manager Core changes will support forthcoming features and functionality for channel-specific integrations:

  • To support an upcoming Stripe integration, a new Payment Request Send Invoice field has been added to the CPM Payment Platform This can be used to instruct a connected payment platform to automatically send an invoice to customers when a payment request is received from CPM.
  • To support an upcoming Stripe integration, CPM functionality has been added to Business Central’s posted service invoices.
  • The Send Request via Platform action on the CPM Payment Request Card page was incorrectly enabled under certain payment request status settings. This has been corrected so that the action is only enabled if the payment request is in a draft status.

CPM Core 1.6.2023102723.103839

October 27, 2023

CPM Core 1.6.2023102723.103839 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • Minor changes have been made to CPM Core to support W1 deployment.

CPM for Stripe 1.7.2023101123.101834

October 12, 2023

CPM for Stripe 1.7.2023101123.101834 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • CSM for Stripe was using a Business Central function for payment application that was deprecated as part of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2 (version 23) release. The function has been replaced with an active one to maintain compatibility with Business Central.

CPM Core 1.6.2023101023.101651

October 12, 2023

CPM Core 1.6.2023101023.101651 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • The CPM Administrator Role Center had an action that was pointing to the Business Central Bank Deposits page, which was removed as part of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2 (version 23) release. This action has been removed from CPM Core to maintain compatibility with Business Central.

CPM Core 1.6.2023082122.95328

August 23, 2023

CPM Core 1.6.2023082122.95328 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • CPM transactions that were posted according to a payment platform’s G/L account transaction type setup were recorded as the wrong entry type (debits being recorded as credits, and vice versa). This has been corrected.

CPM for Stripe 1.7.2023081522.94554

August 15, 2023

CPM for Stripe 1.7.2023081522.94554 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • An API mapping that was introduced in the last release of CPM for Stripe was incorrect. This has been corrected.

CPM for Stripe 1.7.2023080922.94101

August 10, 2023

CPM for Stripe 1.7.2023080922.94101 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • The test communication action to Stripe was not properly validating communication. This has been corrected.
  • The action to send CSM customer updates to Stripe was not working. This has been corrected.
  • Retrieved payment transactions were always being assigned a payment platform mode type of Test, regardless of the related CPM payment platform’s configuration. This has been corrected.
  • API requests that included blank values were not being properly generated. This has been corrected.

CPM Core 1.6.2023080922.94082

August 10, 2023

CPM Core 1.6.2023080922.94082 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • A new G/L Account Transaction Type table has been introduced to allow users to post unsupported source types.
  • The applies-to link fields on CPM payments are now clickable links that will allow a user to directly access the Business Central document to which a payment was applied.
  • The posting conditions on the CPM Transaction Worksheet page have been relaxed so that worksheet lines can always be posted as long as a posting account number is assigned.
Channel Foundations 

The following Channel Payments Manager Core changes will support forthcoming features and functionality for channel-specific integrations:

  • To support an upcoming Stripe integration, an integration event was added to facilitate testing communication to an external platform.
  • Captions on various actions were updated to support an upcoming Stripe integration.
  • Payment transactions were being recorded in the customer ledger even when retrieved fees could not be posted, which could lead to a duplication of entries in the customer ledger. This has been corrected.

CPM Core 1.5.2023073122.92856

July 31, 2023

CPM Core 1.5.2023073122.92856 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • New integration events have been added to various CPM objects.

CPM for Stripe 1.6.2023062822.88661

June 29, 2023

CPM for Stripe 1.6.2023062822.88661 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

  • The Create Refund Request action was no longer visible from the CPM Payment Request Card page. This has been corrected.

CPM Core 1.5.2023062822.88619

June 29, 2023

CPM Core 1.5.2023062822.88619 Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • The following improvements have been made to the CPM Transaction Worksheet page:
    • It is now possible to record comments against a worksheet line prior to posting.
    • A new Set Posting Not Required action has been added to the CPM Transaction Worksheet This will allow a user to manually remove lines from the worksheet without posting.
  • In a situation where a payment that was captured for a sales order ultimately fails (such as an ACH payment that is initially captured but then fails later on due to insufficient funds), the failed amount was not being reversed from the order’s captured amount. This has been corrected.

CPM for Stripe 1.5 Release

May 18, 2023

CPM Core Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • The Mass Create Payment Platform Links action was no longer visible from the customer list page. This has been corrected.

CPM for Core 1.3 Release

March 22, 2023

CPM Core Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality 
  • A new Payment Reversal transaction type has been added to CPM transactions. This allows CPM to properly classify transactions that represent a reversal of a previously-recorded payment (for example, an ACH payment that was initially recorded and then later declined due to insufficient funds). 
  • The Transaction Type field on the CPM Transaction Worksheet page is now editable. This allows a user to change the transaction type on the worksheet line that is initially retrieved with a status Unknown so that it can be posted. 
Channel Foundations 

The following Channel Payments Manager Core changes will support forthcoming features and functionality for channel-specific integrations: 

  • A number of processes were moved from the CPM for Stripe extension to CPM Core. This supports multiple upcoming integrations: 
  • Suite Engine’s RPM equipment rental vertical. 
  • Usio’s payment collection platform. 
  • To support an upcoming Stripe integration, functionality has been added to allow for initiating a payment refund from within Business Central. 
  • In a situation where posting a sales order fails, if a payment authorization existed for the order, shipment and invoice records were still being created. This has been corrected. 
  • CPM Core has been compiled against Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 1 (version 22) for compatibility issues. No issues were detected and no changes to the extension were necessary. 

CPM for Stripe 1.3 Release

March 24, 2023

CPM for Stripe Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality
  • It is now possible to initiate a refund for a captured payment from a sales order within Business Central. 
  • Retrieved transactions that represent a reversal of a previously-recorded payment (for example, an ACH payment that was initially recorded and then later declined due to insufficient funds) now have a dedicated Payment Reversal transaction type. 
  • CPM for Stripe has been compiled against Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 1 (version 22) for compatibility issues. No issues were detected and no changes to the extension were necessary. 
  • A number of processes and routines were moved from the CPM for Stripe extension to CPM Core to support a number of extensions to other, non-Stripe platforms. 

CPM for Core 1.2 Release

September 14, 2022

CPM Core Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality
  • If multiple payment platforms exist in Business Central, instructing CPM to send a Business Central customer to an external payment platform will result in a list of these payment platforms being displayed, allowing you to select the one to which you want to create a link.
  • A new Mass Create Payment Platform Links action has been added to the customer list. If multiple customers are selected in this list, executing this new action will instruct CPM to export data for these customers to a selected external payment platform. This data will be used to create new customers in the external platform, then link them to the corresponding records in Business Central.
Channel Foundations

The following Channel Payments Manager Core changes will support forthcoming features and functionality for channel-specific integrations:

  • The ability to instruct CPM to automatically create payment requests for sales invoices at the time of posting as been added to support an upcoming Stripe integration.
  • The New ribbon on the customer card has been removed, as it contained actions and related menu items that were already present in other ribbons.
  • Attempting to manually navigate through payment request records would yield an error. This has been corrected.
  • Visibility to the load demo data action was removed in a previous release of CPM Core. This has been restored.

CPM for Stripe 1.2 Release

September 14, 2022

CPM for Stripe Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

Features and Functionality
  • It is now possible to instruct CPM to automatically create Stripe payment requests for sales invoices at the time of posting. See the in-depth feature description for more details.

CPM for Stripe 1.1 Release

June 15, 2022

CPM for Stripe Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

A new Channel Payments Manager (“CPM”) application that allows for connectivity between Business Central and external payment platforms has been introduced by Suite Engine. In addition to a core architecture that facilitates the development of platform integrations, CPM features out-of-the-box integrations to commonly-used payment solutions. CPM contains the necessary setup and processing functionality to properly send information back and forth between Business Central and a connected platform:


Features and Functionality
  • Support for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 (version 20) has been added to CPM for Stripe.
  • It is now possible to accept customer payments from ACH direct debit accounts. Functionality has been added to retrieve all payment methods that have been defined for a customer in Stripe
    when processing a payment in Business Central. The user can select any of these payment methods to complete the transaction.
  • When credit card information is being entered for a customer payment, it is now possible to save that credit card as new customer payment method.
  • Stripe-specific accommodations have been made to support the expansion of CPM functionality to accommodate sales orders. See the in-depth feature description for more details.


  • Attempting to select the Default Payment Method field on the Stripe Credit Card Payment page before the page had finished loading would result in an error. This has been corrected.


  • CPM for Stripe’s default demo data load has been updated to support new features introduced with this release.

CPM for Core 1.1 Release

June 13, 2022

CPM Core Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

A new Channel Payments Manager (“CPM”) application that allows for connectivity between Business Central and external payment platforms has been introduced by Suite Engine. In addition to a core architecture that facilitates the development of platform integrations, CPM features out-of-the-box integrations to commonly-used payment solutions. CPM contains the necessary setup and processing functionality to properly send information back and forth between Business Central and a connected platform:


Features and Functionality
  • A new Default Payment Method field has been added to the CPM Payment Platform table. The payment method code that is defined in this field is assigned to payment customer ledger entries that are created from the payment platform’s activities.
  • The AssistButton for the Contact No. field on the CPM Customer Link Card page now presents a list that is filtered to only include contacts that have been set up for the assigned value in the Customer No. field. Previously this list would present all contact records, regardless of the assigned customer.
  • It is now possible to accept payments in currencies other than the defined local currency in Business Central.


Channel Foundations

The following Channel Payments Manager Core changes will support forthcoming features and functionality for channel specific integrations:

  • Functionality has been added to support the expansion of CPM payments to sales orders in an upcoming Stripe integration:
    • It is possible to accept credit card payments for sales orders.
    • Payments can either be captured immediately or recorded as payment authorizations that will be captured at a later time.
    • Re-authorization functionality accommodates scenarios where a partial authorization amount it captured by CPM.
    • Authorization thresholds can be established that prevent the release or shipment of a sales order unless a specified authorization amount is recorded.
    • A new CPM Payments FactBox containing payment authorization and capture details has been added to the sales order card and list.


CPM for Stripe 1.0 Release

December 10, 2021

CPM for Stripe Release Notes (Full Version)
CPM Core Release Notes (Full Version)


Release Overview

A new Channel Payments Manager (“CPM”) application that allows for connectivity between Business Central and external payment platforms has been introduced by Suite Engine. In addition to a core architecture that facilitates the development of platform integrations, CPM features out-of-the-box integrations to commonly-used payment solutions. CPM contains the necessary setup and processing functionality to properly send information back and forth between Business Central and a connected platform:


  • Setup and configuration of payment platforms that specify how retrieved payments and payouts are processed in Business Central, including G/L account setup that controls how payment amounts are posted.
  • Linking of Business Central customers to external payment platform records.
  • Linking of Business Central items to external payment platform records.



  • Sending of customer and invoice payment activity from Business Central to external payment platforms.
  • Initiation of payment requests from Business Central.
  • Retrieval of data from external payment platforms, including:
    • Subscription invoices.
    • Payment activities.
    • Bank payouts.
  • The sending and retrieval of data can be automated through standard Business Central job queue functionality.